Sunday, May 1, 2016

101 - rybsat day 1

i reached one hundred posts with my 'catfish' review! woo!

today is the first day of rybsat (read your bookshelf-a-thon)! i'm feeling confident so far, even though i'm reading three books at the same time right now. two of them are really fast paced reads because they're mostly in the form of texting.

last night i started reading anonymous by samemistakes__ on wattpad which is a niall horan fan fiction. i haven't read anything about niall in a good while (probably since reading 'call me ella' for the first time, like a proper fan fic, not a short story) so i'm really excited about it. i'm about halfway through and i'm liking it, even though it's heavily based on triggering things like suicide and self-harm.

also i'm about halfway through with texting which is a justin bieber fan fiction. surprise, right? i haven't read a justin bieber fan fiction in approximately six years, wow. i haven't been in the bieber fan base for a while now, i liked looking at what he's doing when he was about fifteen to eighteen, but then i kind of just fell out of my bieber phase. however, i do like his newest album, purpose, a lot.

and my real rybsat first choice is the devouring by simon holt and i'm about halfway done with reading this as well. it's interesting but it's fantasy and i'm not too much into fantasy at the moment. it's interesting and i'll definitely keep on reading, just for the sake of my sister, if not for anything else. the devouring trilogy is my sister's favorite book series besides harry potter, i guess.

i'll probably try and finish all of those books today, it's half past seven at night at the moment, so i still have plenty of time.

read pages count:  148

today's song choice is simple plan's 'perfect world'.

until next time

x o

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