Monday, October 5, 2015

37 - UK diary - 22-25th of august

i am an awful human being for leaving this post to such a long notice and pls don't hate me. i'm sincerely sorry.but now i'm marathoning all of the posts i was supposed to make 'cause i got done with them!!

saturday, 22nd of august 2015 - 2nd day of tribfest

               i think it's not hard to guess what time i was awake that day. i had a few hours to kill before work so yeah, i did nothing really. i read my book and talked to people, introduced estonia to them and things like that. at twelve my shift at the kids' craft tent started. i absolutely loved working there because the kids were so lovely and it was actually something to do for a change. we helped kids make bookmarks, wristbands, gluing stuff onto papers and all sorts of crafts. not gonna lie - i made myself some things as well. at three we got off work and until six in the evening i lounged around and waited for other people to get back and my second shift of the day started.
               oh yeah, saturday was the fantastic day when all the shower water came through to our little camping area like a river so we had to cover the 'river' with hay before it had a chance to ruin any of the tents. it was a super sunny day today as well which was amazing.
               at six me and adrian (from spain) were supposed to go on fire watch but it was kind of an useless job by then so we were sent to wash the tribfest cups. we got praise for being the fastest people doing their job. two hours later we got sent off - and we got free diet pepsi! yes - and i almost went running off to the food stands to get dinner 'cause i was so hungry. then i walked along tracy (from sweden) and janet (mah buddy from mah homeland) and they got dinner as well.
               around eight or nine we set up our usual campfire again and i was almost demanded to sing and it was the funniest thing ever for me. tracy and mafe said they want me to sing at their weddings, hah. i loved when people got busted at playing buffalo since i didn't play myself since i don't really drink alcohol all that much. around twelve-ish i went to doze off. yay me.

my decorated little thing / sneaky work photo
this is tribfest! / river of shower water

 sunday, 23rd of august 2015 – 3rd day of tribfest

              happy birthday donny from sweden! grattis!
              i woke up at eight!!!! that’s a great achievement. an hour later i went off to work at the vip tents again. this time we cleaned the outside of the big vip tent, i cleaned chairs off of silly string and i became to slowly but surely hate silly string. there was so much of it and i don’t understand why people – especially kids, i presume – have the need to spray it all over the white plastic chairs. ugh. also while i was cleaning one of the chairs off i had a near-death experience as in the table topped over – the one that was like only inches away from me and the umbrella thing on top of it flew over my head. fun times.
              after all of that was done, we left to wash the cups. i was carrying the full boxes to the tents and bringing new water and things like that. but i got so annoyed at one point that i felt like leaving the tents but i didn’t and i didn’t show my annoyance so it went by quite quickly. i don’t even know. at twelve we were done once again with our work. 
              it was another sunny but windy day in sledmere which was more pleasant than the previous day ’cause it was really hot. i had four hours until my next shift and i thought about going to see a tribute of my favourite band but decided against it because i didn’t want to ruin my favourite band for myself. one of our coordinators left today so that was a bit sad but she was leaving to tallinn for a circus thing she does. woo. at four i had another shift at the kids’ craft tent and this time we got different things to work with. me and my bookloving, stubborn side still made bookmarks and pointless drawings. after the shift i went to check out the silent disco tent and it was so funny and great.
              after getting dinner with janet, it started really pouring down rain so we made it just in time in our food tent. poor people who still had to work in the rain. we still had a good time and the rain stopped eleven-ish so of course, me being me, i went to bed.

monday, 24th of august 2015 – tribfest ending day, 1st day in leeds

              in the morning we had quite a lot of time to prepare for the day. we got an almost full english breakfast which was awesome!
                around ten people were left to take down the tents and everyone else went to the vip tent to gather the tables and chairs and then we left to take down the fences which was quite a hard job considering we had to carry them around a lot. but we didn’t complain. while we were sitting around between these two jobs, a very kind person brought us drinks like coke, lemonade and energy drinks and ice as well as plastic cups. two-ish we were done with taking down the fences so we met up with the ohter team and had lunch. then we went to pick up the wooden poles that were the supports for like electric boxes.
              around four-ish we all got on the bus and left to bramham park where leeds festival was taking place. i sat on the bus with my fav mafe (aruba) and i taught some estonian to her. at around six pm we were in bramham park, leeds! now we were the green messengers.
              we formed the line to bring our stuff to the back of our little area. then we put up the food tent and then our own tents. our tent was up before anyone else’s heh. later on after dinner it got really cold outside so that people brought their sleeping bags to get warmth around our campfire.
              so i wanted to make tea in my thermos but the damn lid didn’t open and even one of the guys couldn’t open it but then he did opened it. so that was rubbish. also later when i put the lid back on the thermos, my spoon got stuck in there and i lost it for the rest of the trip so there’s that. also we got instructions and our green messengers’ equipment for the work. i’m on the orange team and we got the biggest camping area to clean, aw.

fantastic sundown / our 'cage' lol / casual group chat

tuesday, 25th of august 2015 – free day in york

              the bus picked us up at ten in the morning to take us to york. we also got our second payment of £30 as well as dinner tokens. we drove for about forty-five minutes to york and me, janet, quiana and mafe went as a group. the old town of york was absolutely beautiful and i loved how all the shops and diners were in the old town. i swear i almost squealed when i saw whsmith. i, of course, spent an hour in the bookstore and left with six books. oops.
              then we looked around in other stores i’d heard about like poundland and paperchase and and we had lunch at the terrace. later on katy (from germany) joined us and we went into other stores like claire’s, new look and the disney store. at about five we made our way back and had dinner at crown carveries. then after dinner we quickly hopped into a nearby shop and then we got picked up and went back to bramham park. that night we got our work schedule and  i’d be working on saturday and sunday with having friday off. at half past eleven i went into dreamland. 

see you in the next uk diary! 

x o

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