Friday, February 12, 2016

79 - we were liars

i finished reading my brother's best friend and i absolutely loved it! you can see my thoughts on it on my goodreads review. four point twenty five/five out of five stars.

the next book i picked up was we were liars by e. lockhart. it is absolutely the best to go into it without knowing anything which was what i did. i knew about this book for absolutely ages but then i forgot what it was about and when i went into it, i was a bit bored at first but then it really picked up and left me in awe in the end. do not look at reviews of this if you want to fully experience it. three out of five stars.

right now i'm reading ambivalence on wattpad and it's a bad boy-good girl story but it's not too long which is probably why i like it. i'm slowly getting sick of these types of stories 'cause i've read way too many of them.

i really don't know what i'm reading when i finish with 'ambivalence' but i feel like i want to read a classic right now and for that i'm probably picking up 'romeo & juliet' because it's short and messes with my brain which is what i need, kind of. messes with my brain in that sense that it's in old english and i'm not an expert in old english at all.

today's song choice is pink's 'u + ur hand' because i felt a wave of nostalgia come over me late last night. pink was one of my favorite artists when i was about 7-12 or something like that. i still really love her music a lot.

until next time

x o

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