Wednesday, May 11, 2016

110 - book buddy-a-thon day 5

i'm almost finished reading faking it by cora carmack this morning (it's a bit before 12pm right now). freaking love it. cade is so swoon-worthy and max is so swoon-worthy. one of my favorite book couples for sure. i'll do a review soon when i finish.

i'm 'bout to start reading everything everything by nicola yoon and i'm positive i'll finish it in a couple of hours because it has so many inserts that they're so quick to read and probably helluva lot of fun.

i'll probably edit this post later on today when i see what i'll actually be reading more today though i have a ton of things to do.

pages read: 672

edit: 12/5/2016 3:20pm

i finished with reading faking it and i picked up my next book and almost flew through it! i'm 'bout to finish it and then i'll get to my next one.

pages read: 965

also, eurovision was last night! i loved some songs, some didn't. my favorite so far didn't get to the finals, i'm sad. :(

today's song choice is my favorite song from semi-final number one:

until next time

x o

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