Monday, February 22, 2016

82 - blanca like snow + 25 bookish facts about me


this time around i've read blanca like snow and really enjoyed it up until the point it has been written - currently 17 chapters and a prologue. i love love love this book and can't wait to see where it will go in the future! especially how will and blanca will get along. ;)

the next book i really picked up on an impulse (or rather because it popped up on the recommendations list) and it was baby girl and i didn't really like it much because it had a lot of the bookish pet peeves i have in it.

last night i only read the prologue of dark and dangerous love and it's intriguing but i want to get through my three-book tbr for this week, so i'll be putting it off for now just until i finish reading my tbr.

so, my tbr for this week is (and i really hope i'll get through these books quickly within this week):

the book thief by markus zusak
a clockwork orange by anthony burgess
the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald

and alongside with that i wanted to do the tag that's been going around on youtube actually, and it is the 25 bookish facts about me tag.

  1. I like to read really late at night, usually past midnight before I go to sleep.
  2. I love reading fantasy and I own a lot of it but I'm also intimidated by it.
  3. I read the first book in a series and put off the rest of it for a while, then forget about the first book's synopsis.
  4. I buy books mostly based on booktube recommendations.
  5. My worst habit is buying the whole series it once even when i haven't read the first book yet - I'm ridding myself of this habit as of now, actually.
  6. I start reading a physical book and then switch to a Wattpad book because they're so tempting to me for some reason.
  7. No surprise here - I read a lot of fan fiction and I'm not ashamed of it. In fact, I've written an essay in English class about pros and cons of fan fiction.
  8. I have never finished the Harry Potter series. I will be reading the fifth book in March though. I was intimidated by it when I was little and never read it thought I should've, really...
  9. My biggest guilty pleasure is reading bad boy/good girl contemporary.
  10. I hate putting off reading books so I finish some even when I hate the plot line or characters.
  11. I own probably over a hundred and fifty unread books on my shelves.
  12. My favorite genres to read are indeed fantasy, dystopia and contemporary.
  13. I've kept a reading log for over two years, meaning that I've written down every single book and how much of it I've read in one day.
  14. I own one signed copy of a book and it is by one of the most popular YA authors in Estonia.
  15. I, as of recently, buy most of my books online.
  16. I love reading manga and graphic novels but I don't get hold of them very often as they're super expensive.
  17. The first book I read independently was when I was five and it had something to do with a character Martin.
  18. When I was 7-10 I borrowed at least like eleven books at once from the library and speed-read them.
  19. I love reading about science and history, however historical fiction isn't really my thing.
  20. I always left my school reading to the last minute but still managed to get a high grade while presenting them.
  21. I've participated in NaNoWriMo twice so far and written one fiction story and one fan fiction.
  22. I love writing but rarely ever I finish what I start writing because a new idea only will fit in a new story. I've finished writing 7 stories out of probably 20ish.
  23. The longest book I've ever read is After We Fell by Anna Todd and it's 848 pages long. I read it in four days.
  24. I started reading in English when I was thirteen and the first book I attempted to read in English was Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I'm not a native English speaker.
  25. My most read book ever is probably After by Anna Todd and I've read it five times in the last two years.
so there you have it! hope you learned something about my book-reading habits and i really love doing tags but i can never do ones that involve choosing a certain book for a certain question or theme. so this was fairly easy to do.

today's song choice is alan walker's 'fade' because my uncle got me obsessed with it over the weekend.

until next time!

x o

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