good evening (from this side of the world)!
i finished reading confess by colleen hoover and it was fabulous. you can read the tiny blurb about it on my previous post. it was so good and it got so so intense at the end of the book i couldn't take it. straight to my favorites, five out of five stars.
i also finished with bridesmaid and in the end it became really predictable and i just felt meh about it. i liked the premise and i liked some of the characters and everything, but i guess what put me off of it a bit was the predictableness (that is not a word but whatevs). i gave it three point seventy five stars if i remember correctly. though, still a decent read!!
the right after, i picked up thunder and it's a michael clifford short story. i didn't even read it to the end, just the first five chapters. i can't get past the fact that the main characters fall in love in the course of three days. nobody does that.
i read weeping willow by wattpad's sweetheart, anna todd (imaginator1D) and it was a story that i guess a lot of people can relate to. our main character is an aspiring poetess who hasn't really gotten any of her stuff out, as in she's never performed any of it. on the night of a performance at a local pub, she meets the bartender who's the main character's best friend's boyfriend's friend (whoa) and as the girl leaves her poetry book accidentally there, they're bound to meet again. this story is a car accident prevention story which teaches people not to be on their smartphones when they drive. i found it really good but i can't really relate to it since i don't have a driver's license and don't really plan on getting one either. either way, four point five out of five stars.
the stepbrother by aestheticannie was next and this was a luke hemmings story. our main character annie's mother is getting married to a man, not annie's father. as the two move in with annie's mum's fiancee, annie discovers that andrew - annie's mum's future husband - has a son, luke. annie and luke don't get along at all, they are almost polar opposites. they even fail at backing each other up if the other has to go somewhere and be late. annie goes to target on one day and meets ashton whom she quickly befriends. now, there's the arrogant pretty boy who's dangerous to get attached to because of their parents, and the cute boy from target. shouldn't be too hard to guess who'd she'd choose? think again. (i gave it around three stars, not sure though. it got a bit boring in the end for me) it's not finished yet though.
then for the next book for cramathon, i hoped i could read the wrath and the dawn by renée ahdieh but i'm still on like the second chapter. i don't know why i can't push myself into reading fantasy. it's so bad.
then i just said "fuck it" and read another wattpad book. this time i chose paint you wings which is an ashotn irwin story. our main character emilia is an introvert. she's in university and doesn't have friends there, really. she doesn't want to get friends, she doesn't interact with anyone. before a class, she goes to a starbucks and a guy spills her drink on her. annoyed, emilia yells at the guy. the boy is horrified and hurres to buy her a new shirt, and that eases emilia. there's immediate spark of connection between the two and the boy sits around to have a chat with emilia. he tells her all sorts of little details about himself, including that his name is ashton. they go to the same communications' class and sit next to each other the next time. they start hanging out more and more often which surprises emilia and her roommate to no end. she feels easy around him. but both emilia and ashton have had bad relationships which prevent them from having a relationship of their own.
currently still reading it, i'm almost halfway through, and it 's really good! i remember it was on my wattpad reading recommendations page for absolute months and i'm actually quite glad i decided to add it to my library. can't wait to see what's going to happen.
my next choice was a michael clifford short story, imessage and i wasn't impressed with it in the least. the story was really bland and there was absolutely no character development, and i didn't even like the luke and ashton twist. i'd give it two stars at the most.
i chose my next story and it's going to be allure which is another michael story.
so, genrethon conclusion. technically, i still read the minimum that was supposed to be read. during genrethon, i managed to finish the three books, plus some more, so here they are:
my life next door counts as young adult contemporary
confess counts as new adult contemporary
bridesmaid counts as fan fiction romance (yes i'm countin' it alright)
confess counts as new adult contemporary
bridesmaid counts as fan fiction romance (yes i'm countin' it alright)
weeping willow counts as short story
so call me a cheat or whatever but i count my cramathon as a successful cramathon, alright.
today's song choice is avril lavigne's 'nobody's home' 'cause i listened to it today and yeah.
until next time
x o
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